Tudor Lodge
7 no. new dwellings with associated parking & landscaping have been allowed at Appeal at Tudor Lodge, Sea Road in East Preston.
The appeal was lodged in response to Arun District Council refusal of planning permission on the grounds that the proposal ‘would constitute an unsustainable form of development’ and would represent an ‘overdevelopment of the site’.
The proposals sought to provide 7 much needed new high quality dwellings within the District on a previously developed site, in a sustainable town location.
In conjunction with ECE Architecture and the clients, Rocco Homes, the scheme has been carefully designed to make efficient use of the site, whilst reinforcing local distinctiveness, through innovative layout, form and appearance.
Additionally, the inspector concluded that ‘the form of the development would not be uncharacteristic in this setting and would not form a particularly prominent or obtrusive element in the area. It would not therefore harm its character.’
At the time of submitting the original application and appeal, Arun District Council could only demonstrate a 19 year housing land supply. The inspector acknowledged that the council were unable to demonstrate a deliverable five year housing land supply and concluded that it would be unnecessary to undertake a balancing exercise under paragraph 14 of the National Planning Policy Framework.