Church House
ECE Planning worked alongside the clients, Worthing Homes and the architect ECE Architecture to obtain planning permission at Church House, Church Road, Worthing.
The proposal effectively seeks the demolition of a tired and outdated 1960s building with a high quality modern development comprising 13 new build residential units and the conversion of an existing coach house and stables to create a dwelling and bicycle unit.
The new two-storey residential units will be in the form of contemporary, predominantly two-storey, terraced housing constructed of grey brick and slate tile, with black clad box windows. The single storey dwelling at the southern end of the site would be clad in Rainscreen cladding with a monopitch grass roof. All the new 10 units will be affordable rented.
The site is located within the West Tarring Conservation Area, the proposal ensured that remnants of the history of the site would remain and the historic character is not lost.
The Officer concluded that “The principle of residential redevelopment and conversion/renovation is supported on this sustainably located, partly brownfield site. The dwelling mix and form proposed is appropriate and the affordable rent tenure is especially welcomed as helping meet an acute need. It Is appropriate to secure the affordable rent status of the development. The proposal provides a generally good quality of accommodation and aligns with the spatial strategy.”