The Causeway
ECE Planning are delighted to have secured planning consent for a mixed-use redevelopment of the former Lloyds Plc banking hall site, which comprised of 81 high-quality residential apartments and 611 square metres of commercial floor space.
Originally recognised as an appropriate development site by Worthing Borough Council, the application site formed part of the Area of Change 10 ‘The Strand’. The development provided a commercial/community space which complements and enhances this parade offer.
As planning consultants for the scheme, ECE Planning’s role involved co-ordinating a multi-disciplinary team. This exciting development designed by LDA Architects Ltd delivered necessary housing and ultimately transformed a disused and unattractive brownfield site to benefit the wider area.
This development, which is located in the highly sustainable heart of Durrington, has not only provided much needed housing with employment opportunities but also provided an opportunity to revitalise this prominent area.