Moreton Road, Croydon
ECE Planning are thrilled to announce that resolution to grant planning permission has been received for a site at Moreton Road in South Croydon. The development seeks to demolish the existing dwelling and construct 31no residential apartments, over 50% of which would be affordable. Additionally the development would provide sufficient car parking provision, cycle storage, landscaping and tree planting.
The Applicant, Dawson Health Property Ltd, undertook extensive pre-application discussions with the Council in the preparation of the application. The Project Team responded positively to the discussions and created a scheme which sought to maximise density of development, minimise impact on neighbouring properties and respond fully to the local immediacy, established vernacular and the site’s constraints and opportunities.
In providing 31 residential units, the proposals were considered to be a valuable contribution towards the Borough’s housing need.
The following key reasons for the recommendation of approval from the Planning Officer were provided to Committee Members which resulted in a positive outcome, subject to a S106 agreement:
- The principle of intensified residential development is acceptable given the national and local need for housing.
- The proposal includes 52% affordable housing in accordance with local plan requirements.
- The proposal includes a policy compliant number of family units.
- The massing, design and appearance of the development is appropriate, according with the thrust of guidance contained within the Suburban Housing Design SPD.
- The living conditions of adjacent occupiers would be protected from undue harm subject to conditions.
- The living standards of future occupiers are satisfactory (in terms of overall residential quality) and would comply with the Nationally Described Space Standard (NDSS).
- The level of parking and impact upon highway safety and efficiency would be acceptable.
- Sustainability aspects have been properly assessed and their delivery can be controlled through planning obligations and planning conditions.