105-109 Montague Street
ECE Planning worked on behalf of clients Century House Ltd and with Haines Phillips Architects to obtain planning permission at 105-109 Montague Street within Worthing town centre for a 26 unit residential development and new ground floor retail unit.
The scheme includes the demolition of the tired and outdated Poundland building and its replacement with a high quality modern 4-storey development comprising retail floorspace at ground floor level with 26 residential units above and a communal courtyard at first floor level.
The site sits within two Conservation Areas and is located adjacent Listed Buildings. As a result a sensitive design solution was required, sympathetic to the surrounding heritage assets. The proposal comprises a series of distinct elements responding to the different characters of three street frontages. Materials include both brick and render.
The proposed development will provide much needed housing in a highly sustainable location. The Case Officer for the application concluded that ‘the proposal is a significant improvement, far more fitting with its conservation area location and listed neighbours, than the existing building. The use of different architectural styles but harmonised detailing has been well considered.’ The Case Officer also recognised how much this development would revitalise this prominent retail corner.
Century House Ltd
Adur & Worthing Council
Mixed Use