Former Texaco Garage Site, Kingsway, Hove
ECE Planning have secured full planning permission for a mixed-use redevelopment of the former Texaco garage and the former Alibi Public House on Kingsway, Hove.
The scheme consists of 55 no. new build residential apartments and 375sq.m of retail floorspace (A1) in a building of between 2 and 9 storeys with associated landscaping and parking. The scheme includes change of use of the ground floor of the former Alibi Public House to a café, and conversion of the first, second and third floors to provide 3 No dwellings.
ECE Planning worked alongside LCE Architects, the applicants Rocco Homes and the Co-operative Group, throughout the evolution of the development and included extensive pre-application consultations with Brighton & Hove City Council, a Design Review Panel and community engagement.
The development represents the efficient and effective re-use of a previously developed site, in a highly sustainable location, delivering much need housing and providing new jobs in the City