Ferry Wharf
ECE Planning worked collaboratively with ECE Architecture and the Shoreham Port Authority to obtain planning permission for the redevelopment of the former Edburton Aggregate Recycling facility adjacent to Hove Enterprise Centre, Basin Road North, Portslade for 868m2 of flexible B1/B8 floor space with associated car parking and landscaping.
The proposed units were designed to meet the needs of small and medium sized local businesses comprising a 2 storey structure with a total of 4 individual business units of various sizes. In addition to the new buildings, the site has provision for car parking (including electric vehicle car charging), cycle storage and onsite refuse storage facilities. The new development will provide much needed new flexible commercial floorspace to support the local economy.
A significant constraint to this development was the safeguarded nature of the site for both waste and minerals uses. ECE Planning were able to steer this application through to determination through a reasoned justification for loss of both designated uses whilst successfully demonstrating the benefit of new employment floorspace in this location. This application was subject to a S106 agreement.