Beachside Close, Worthing
ECE are delighted to announce that planning permission has been granted for a redevelopment of an existing bungalow to a contemporary style dwelling within Worthing.
The site is tightly pinched between residential housing therefore the development had to be carefully designed to limit overlooking into adjacent properties.
The proposed development site measures 0.17 hectares in size, with the existing bungalow occupying approximately 190 sqm of space at its northern end. The proposal seeks to remove some elements of the existing building, including the roof and rear conservatory, in order to erect a first floor addition, incorporating side and rear extensions to create a two storey contemporary dwelling characterised by clean cut white rendered elevations with contrasting timber detailing. The proposal would result in a relatively small increase in the buildings footprint.
Overall, the proposed development seeks to deliver a building of high quality architecture that meets the needs of a growing local family, whilst responding in a sensitive manner to the scale, design and proximity of surrounding dwellings and the amenity of their occupiers. It is therefore considered to represent a highly sustainable development, that complies with all relevant National and Local planning policies.
The Council considered the principle of a large house with an individual appearance and style, distinct from the other buildings in the area as acceptable.