Amberstone Nursery, Hailsham
Acting on behalf of Jenner Contractors and Clarion Housing Group, and working alongside ECE Architecture, ECE Planning worked extensively on this residential development of 47 new dwellings; attenuation pond; play area; amenity space; and associated landscaping at Amberstone Nursery, Hailsham.
We are delighted to announce that the scheme was resolved to grant at planning committee on Thursday 11th October 2018.
Outline planning permission was approved on 17 October 2014 for a similar residential development comprising 47 dwellings. All matters of detail with the exception of access and layout were reserved for subsequent approval.
This application received permission the same quantum of development with amendments to the proposed mix and layout, alongside minor amendments to parking layout. The scheme also proposes 35% affordable housing in the form of shared ownership.