Dyke Close Appeal Granted

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A second appeal success for ECE Planning in 2021, permitting the redevelopment of a residential dwelling in Dyke Road, Hove.

Initial plans for an extension were rejected in 2019. Following an unsuccessful appeal, updated plans were then resubmitted by our client in March 2020. These were again rejected. The main issue being the effect of the proposed development on the living conditions of neighbouring occupiers, with particular reference to light and overbearing effect to 1 Dyke Close.

ECE Planning worked alongside our client to ensure the new proposals sought to protect the amenities of neighbours, through detailed analysis of impacts such as daylight and sunlight.  

The Inspectors Decision fully endorsed the amended proposals;

‘The proposed extension is noticeably different to that dismissed at appeal in 2019…As such the proposed development would not result in significant harm to the living conditions of neighbouring occupiers, with particular reference to light and overbearing effect to 1 Dyke Close.’

A great result for the ECE Planning Team, including Chris Barker & Rebecca Hoad.