ECE Charity Cricket Event 2018
Twelve teams entered the tournament, Focus Group were runner-up and the eventual and well deserved winners were Willmott Dixon!

Stuart Eatock, Managing Director of ECE, and Tony Clark, Trustee of Chestnut Tree House, presented prizes to the winner and runner-up. Entry fees and the raffle (with fantastic prizes including a Newbery Phantom Cricket bat, signed Chelsea FC shirt, guest tickets to several cricket matches and a luxury hamper provided by Goodman Derrick LLP) combined to raise over £2,000 for Chestnut Tree House, contributing towards ECE’s commitment to raise £9,000 fundraising in 2018.
Anyone wishing to donate further can do so here
With perfect weather, great company and a superb venue the event was a great success. Our thanks go to all those involved in organising the day, in particular, all the wonderful teams who participated, Sussex County Cricket Club (SCCC) for their support, umpires from SCCC and Chestnut Tree House volunteers and finally the ECE organisers Maddie Warren, Craig Boddington and Adam Staniforth.