Public Consultation - Hanlye Lane, Cuckfield


Land at Hanlye Lane, Cuckfield Public Consultation

Sigma Homes Ltd are preparing a Full Planning Application for the erection of 55 homes (including 30% affordable), landscaping, informal and formal open space and play space on land at Hanlye Lane to the east of Ardingly Road, Cuckfield.

We are seeking the views of the community, including people who live and work in the local area, to ensure our proposals take into consideration your suggestions.

We are holding a Face-to-Face Public Consultation on Monday 4th September from 4:00pm – 8:00pm at Council Chambers, The Queens Hall, High Street, Cuckfield RH17 5EL

 We will be holding an Online Public Consultation alongside the Face-to-Face Consultation. From Monday 4th September consultation boards showing the proposals will be available to view below. Please use the Feedback Form at the bottom of this page to document your comments.

Your comments will be reported to Mid Sussex District Council and will be made publicly available however please note that in accordance with GDPR, any personal details will NOT be disclosed and are only collected in order that we may validate your comments. Anonymous feedback forms will NOT be considered. Once the comments from the consultation have been collated, the original comments will be destroyed.

Please note that we would prefer to receive all comments within the first week of the proposals going live (4th-10th September) but we will leave the consultation open to ensure everyone can have their say.

Consultation Boards