Holland Road Appeal Granted

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Another appeal allowed for ECE Planning, permitting the redevelopment of a previously developed site in the Brunswick Town Conservation Area, adjacent to Palmeira Yard, a striking Grade II Listed Building.

ECE Planning working with ECE Architecture spent a considerable amount of time and effort to ensure the proposal sought to respect these heritage assets and the amenity of local residents. 

The Appeal by Mode of Informal Hearing was undertaken virtually in early December, attended by Paul Fender and Chris Barker on behalf of ECE Planning and ECE Architecture and all parties were complementary of the Inspectorate in how the session was managed and run seamlessly.

The Inspectors Decision fully endorsed the approach to Design, scale and appearance in the context particularly of the adjacent Listed Building and Conservation Area more widely;

‘I find that the design of the proposal would have a positive relationship with the adjacent Grade II listed building and the locally listed building. It would enhance the setting of both Palmeira Yard and the Hove Hebrew Congregational Synagogue. The proposal would be a modern yet sympathetic addition to the Conservation Area which would enhance the character of the area and its setting’

The scheme had also negotiated the removal of affordable housing contributions through detailed viability work produced by ECE Planning in support of the original application.

Overall a great result for the ECE Team, including Karen Tipper, Lizzie Withall, Paul Fender, Luke Torres and Rachel Pettifer.